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The Perfect Father's Day Gift DOES Exist: A Brighter Smile!

man sitting in a dental chair during a teeth whitening consultationWith Father’s Day just around the corner, you’re probably wondering…

“What can I possibly get him to celebrate the day?”

While we know the dad in your life appreciates gestures of all kinds, there’s one gift idea you may be overlooking…the gift of a brighter smile.

Teeth Whitening at Sunnybank Plaza Dental

In our practice, we’re proud to offer the Philips Zoom! teeth whitening system. With Philips Zoom!, you can achieve a whiter, brighter smile in just one quick practice visit, leaving you with teeth that are several shades brighter. Best of all, there’s no need for downtime after a visit—simply avoid foods and drinks that are dark in colour for the remainder of the day.

Teeth whitening is ideal for teeth that are stained or discoloured. In honour of Father’s Day, we’re excited to launch a special promotion that you can take advantage of for the dad in your life.

fathers day whitening promo banner

Worried about finding the time to book a visit with us? With take-home whitening kits, that’s no issue at all. Ask us for pricing details when you give us a ring.

Book a Whitening Session Today

If you’d like to make an appointment for the special dad in your life, we’d love to meet them. You can schedule a visit directly for them by giving our practice a call or by simply sharing this blog so they can learn more.

Lastly, we’d like to wish all the dads out there, and those who play the role of dad, a very Happy Father’s Day.

We hope to see you in the practice soon!

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