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Emergency Dentistry

Man with hand on face in painLoss of a front tooth. A throbbing toothache. Facial pain and swelling that could indicate an abscess. This type of infection could become life-threatening if left untreated. At Sunnybank Plaza Dental, we can address dental emergencies like these and many others to help get you out of pain and restore your smile.

If you believe you are experiencing a dental emergency, contact our Sunnybank dental office as soon as possible. We have spots for emergency patients who are accommodated on a priority basis. In particular, we will seek to provide care for those in severe pain.

Our team will do their very best to get you in on the day.

What If I Have an After-Hours Dental Emergency?

If you have a dental emergency after our regular hours, please call and leave a message for us. We’ll return your call early in the morning the following day to fit you into our schedule. You can also email us, and we’ll get back to you straightaway.

Keeping Nervous Patients at Ease

We understand that dental anxiety is very real. That’s why we have adopted several measures to ensure your comfort. We offer the following:

  • A comfortable, relaxing and environment
  • A skilled and friendly team trained in providing patient-comforting techniques
  • Comfortable dental chairs
  • Aromatherapy (fragrant candles)
  • Inhalation sedation
  • TV program

Common Types of Dental Emergencies

If you think you have an emergency situation, there are some guidelines that you can follow until you’re able to get in for your appointment.

Toothache From Abscess

A throbbing pain that keeps you awake and isn’t relieved by medications requires immediate attention. You may experience swelling, fever and sensitivity. Be sure to avoid rubbing the area. Use cold compresses applied to the cheek on the outside near the problem area. For temporary relief, rinse out your mouth with salt water.

Knocked-Out Tooth

A sporting injury or trauma is a common reason why a tooth is lost. It may be saved if you can arrive at the dentist within 30 minutes. When you pick the tooth up, hold it by the crown, not the root. Rinse it in milk, or if not available, water. Store the tooth in milk or plastic wrap until you reach the dentist’s office. If you can’t do any of the above, suck the tooth clean and then place it gently back into the socket.

Chipped, Broken Tooth and Lost Fillings

If you have a chip, break or have lost a filling out of your tooth, you should see the dentist as soon as possible even if there is no pain. If you can’t come in straightaway, be careful and avoid eating on the area to prevent it from chipping or breaking more before it can be attended to.

Stuck Objects Between Teeth

Dental floss or other flossing aids may be able to be used in carefully removing the object. Otherwise, visit a dentist.

Braces and Retainer Issues

Unless your treatment is being carried out by our dentists, your orthodontist is usually responsible for addressing any issues with your braces or retainer. If you are experiencing irritation from your braces or retainer, you can use a cotton ball, soft wax, gauze from a first aid kit or even clean candle wax to cover the problem area before you can see your orthodontist.

If you have an item embedded in your cheek, gums or tongue, see an emergency dentist immediately. A broken appliance can be secured or bonded back in place by a dentist until you can see your orthodontist.

Bitten Lip or Tongue

Direct pressure should be applied with a clean cloth to any bleeding areas. A cold compress can reduce swelling. If the bleeding doesn’t seem to stop, go to the hospital or an emergency dentist.

Dental Swelling

If you have swelling in your face it could indicate that you have an abscessed tooth. It’s vital to see a dentist straightway to stop the infection from spreading to other parts of the body.

Loss of Crown or Bridge

If your crown or bridge fell out and you can’t locate it, contact our practice as soon as possible so we can replace your restoration.

Bleeding Gums

Typically, bleeding gums indicate that gum disease is present. We can provide a deep cleaning or root planing procedure to remove any infection in the gums.

Wisdom Tooth Pain

If you have impacted wisdom teeth that are causing you pain, contact our practice straightaway. We can remove your wisdom teeth safely and comfortably.

Contact Us Straightaway

If you think you’re experiencing a dental emergency, don’t wait to get the attention you need. Call or email us to have your issue promptly addressed.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Emergency Dentistry Sunnybank, MacGregor, Eight Mile Plains, Robertson, Sunnybank Hills QLD | (07) 3344 6282